6,770 research outputs found

    Sub-structure formation in starless cores

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    Motivated by recent observational searches of sub-structure in starless molecular cloud cores, we investigate the evolution of density perturbations on scales smaller than the Jeans length embedded in contracting isothermal clouds, adopting the same formalism developed for the expanding Universe and the solar wind. We find that initially small amplitude, Jeans-stable perturbations (propagating as sound waves in the absence of a magnetic field), are amplified adiabatically during the contraction, approximately conserving the wave action density, until they either become nonlinear and steepen into shocks at a time tnlt_{\rm nl}, or become gravitationally unstable when the Jeans length decreases below the scale of the perturbations at a time tgrt_{\rm gr}. We evaluate analytically the time tnlt_{\rm nl} at which the perturbations enter the non-linear stage using a Burgers' equation approach, and we verify numerically that this time marks the beginning of the phase of rapid dissipation of the kinetic energy of the perturbations. We then show that for typical values of the rms Mach number in molecular cloud cores, tnlt_{\rm nl} is smaller than tgrt_{\rm gr}, and therefore density perturbations likely dissipate before becoming gravitational unstable. Solenoidal modes grow at a faster rate than compressible modes, and may eventually promote fragmentation through the formation of vortical structures.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Reflection and dissipation of Alfv\'en waves in interstellar clouds

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    Context: Supersonic nonthermal motions in molecular clouds are often interpreted as long-lived magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves. The propagation and amplitude of these waves is affected by local physical characteristics, most importantly the gas density and the ionization fraction. Aims: We study the propagation, reflection and dissipation of Alfv\'en waves in molecular clouds deriving the behavior of observable quantities such as the amplitudes of velocity fluctuations and the rate of energy dissipation. Methods: We formulated the problem in terms of Els\"asser variables for transverse MHD waves propagating in a one-dimensional inhomogeneous medium, including the dissipation due to collisions between ions and neutrals and to a nonlinear turbulent cascade treated in a phenomenological way. We considered both steady-state and time-dependent situations and solved the equations of the problem numerically with an iterative method and a Lax-Wendroff scheme, respectively. Results: Alfv\'en waves incident on overdense regions with density profiles typical of cloud cores embedded in a diffuse gas suffer enhanced reflection in the regions of the steepest density gradient, and strong dissipation in the core's interior. These effects are especially significant when the wavelength is intermediate between the critical wavelength for propagation and the typical scale of the density gradient. For larger wave amplitudes and/or steeper input spectra, the effects of the perpendicular turbulent cascade result in a stronger energy dissipation in the regions immediately surrounding the dense core. Conclusions: The results may help to interpret the sharp decrease of line width observed in the environments of low-mass cloud cores in several molecular transitions.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Time delays in quasi-periodic pulsations observed during the X2.2 solar flare on 2011 February 15

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    We report observations of quasi-periodic pulsations (QPPs) during the X2.2 flare of 2011 February 15, observed simultaneously in several wavebands. We focus on fluctuations on time scale 1-30 s and find different time lags between different wavebands. During the impulsive phase, the Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) channels in the range 25-100 keV lead all the other channels. They are followed by the Nobeyama RadioPolarimeters at 9 and 17 GHz and the Extreme Ultra-Violet (EUV) channels of the Euv SpectroPhotometer (ESP) onboard the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO). The Zirconium and Aluminum filter channels of the Large Yield Radiometer (LYRA) onboard the Project for On-Board Autonomy (PROBA2) satellite and the SXR channel of ESP follow. The largest lags occur in observations from the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES), where the channel at 1-8 {\AA} leads the 0.5-4 {\AA} channel by several seconds. The time lags between the first and last channels is up to 9 s. We identified at least two distinct time intervals during the flare impulsive phase, during which the QPPs were associated with two different sources in the Nobeyama RadioHeliograph at 17 GHz. The radio as well as the hard X-ray channels showed different lags during these two intervals. To our knowledge, this is the first time that time lags are reported between EUV and SXR fluctuations on these time scales. We discuss possible emission mechanisms and interpretations, including flare electron trapping


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    Magnetic field turbulence in the solar wind at sub-ion scales: in situ observations and numerical simulations

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    We investigate the transition of the solar wind turbulent cascade from MHD to sub-ion range by means of a detail comparison between in situ observations and hybrid numerical simulations. In particular we focus on the properties of the magnetic field and its component anisotropy in Cluster measurements and hybrid 2D simulations. First, we address the angular distribution of wave-vectors in the kinetic range between ion and electron scales by studying the variance anisotropy of the magnetic field components. When taking into account the single-direction sampling performed by spacecraft in the solar wind, the main properties of the fluctuations observed in situ are also recovered in our numerical description. This result confirms that solar wind turbulence in the sub-ion range is characterized by a quasi-2D gyrotropic distribution of k-vectors around the mean field. We then consider the magnetic compressibility associated with the turbulent cascade and its evolution from large-MHD to sub-ion scales. The ratio of field-aligned to perpendicular fluctuations, typically low in the MHD inertial range, increases significantly when crossing ion scales and its value in the sub-ion range is a function of the total plasma beta only, as expected from theoretical predictions, with higher magnetic compressibility for higher beta. Moreover, we observe that this increase has a gradual trend from low to high beta values in the in situ data; this behaviour is well captured by the numerical simulations. The level of magnetic field compressibility that is observed in situ and in the simulations is in fairly good agreement with theoretical predictions, especially at high beta, suggesting that in the kinetic range explored the turbulence is supported by low-frequency and highly-oblique fluctuations in pressure balance, like kinetic Alfv\'en waves or other slowly evolving coherent structures.Comment: Manuscript submitted to Frontiers Astronomy and Space Sciences, Research Topic: Improving the Understanding of Kinetic Processes in Solar Wind and Magnetosphere: From CLUSTER to MM

    Surfactant-like Effect and Dissolution of Ultrathin Fe Films on Ag(001)

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    The phase immiscibility and the excellent matching between Ag(001) and Fe(001) unit cells (mismatch 0.8 %) make Fe/Ag growth attractive in the field of low dimensionality magnetic systems. Intermixing could be drastically limited at deposition temperatures as low as 140-150 K. The film structural evolution induced by post-growth annealing presents many interesting aspects involving activated atomic exchange processes and affecting magnetic properties. Previous experiments, of He and low energy ion scattering on films deposited at 150 K, indicated the formation of a segregated Ag layer upon annealing at 550 K. Higher temperatures led to the embedding of Fe into the Ag matrix. In those experiments, information on sub-surface layers was attained by techniques mainly sensitive to the topmost layer. Here, systematic PED measurements, providing chemical selectivity and structural information for a depth of several layers, have been accompanied with a few XRD rod scans, yielding a better sensitivity to the buried interface and to the film long range order. The results of this paper allow a comparison with recent models enlightening the dissolution paths of an ultra thin metal film into a different metal, when both subsurface migration of the deposit and phase separation between substrate and deposit are favoured. The occurrence of a surfactant-like stage, in which a single layer of Ag covers the Fe film is demonstrated for films of 4-6 ML heated at 500-550 K. Evidence of a stage characterized by the formation of two Ag capping layers is also reported. As the annealing temperature was increased beyond 700 K, the surface layers closely resembled the structure of bare Ag(001) with the residual presence of subsurface Fe aggregates.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Cyber-physical manufacturing systems: An architecture for sensor integration, production line simulation and cloud services

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    none9noThe pillars of Industry 4.0 require the integration of a modern smart factory, data storage in the Cloud, access to the Cloud for data analytics, and information sharing at the software level for simulation and hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) capabilities. The resulting cyber-physical system (CPS) is often termed the cyber-physical manufacturing system, and it has become crucial to cope with this increased system complexity and to attain the desired performances. However, since a great number of old production systems are based on monolithic architectures with limited external communication ports and reduced local computational capabilities, it is difficult to ensure such production lines are compliant with the Industry 4.0 pillars. A wireless sensor network is one solution for the smart connection of a production line to a CPS elaborating data through cloud computing. The scope of this research work lies in developing a modular software architecture based on the open service gateway initiative framework, which is able to seamlessly integrate both hardware and software wireless sensors, send data into the Cloud for further data analysis and enable both HIL and cloud computing capabilities. The CPS architecture was initially tested using HIL tools before it was deployed within a real manufacturing line for data collection and analysis over a period of two months.openPrist Mariorosario; Monteriu' Andrea; Pallotta Emanuele; Cicconi Paolo; Freddi Alessandro; Giuggioloni Federico; Caizer Eduard; Verdini Carlo; Longhi SauroPrist, Mariorosario; Monteriu', Andrea; Pallotta, Emanuele; Cicconi, Paolo; Freddi, Alessandro; Giuggioloni, Federico; Caizer, Eduard; Verdini, Carlo; Longhi, Saur

    Picosecond timescale tracking of pentacene triplet excitons with chemical sensitivity

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    Singlet fission is a photophysical process in which an optically excited singlet exciton is converted into two triplet excitons. Singlet fission sensitized solar cells are expected to display a greatly enhanced power conversion efficiency compared to conventional singlejunction cells, but the efficient design of such devices relies on the selection of materials capable of harvesting triplets generated in the fission chromophore. To this aim, the possibility of measuring triplet exciton ynamics with chemical selectivity paves the way for the rational design of complex heterojunctions, with optimized triplet conversion. Here we exploit the chemical sensitivity of X-ray absorption spectroscopy to track triplet exciton dynamics at the picosecond timescale in multilayer films of pentacene, the archetypal singlet fission material. We experimentally identify the signature of the triplet exciton in the Carbon K-edge absorption spectrum and measure its lifetime of about 300 ps. Our results are supported by state-of-the-art ab initio calculations

    Electron and proton heating by solar wind turbulence

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    Previous formulations of heating and transport associated with strong magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence are generalized to incorporate separate internal energy equations for electrons and protons. Electron heat conduction is included. Energy is supplied by turbulent heating that affects both electrons and protons, and is exchanged between them via collisions. Comparison to available Ulysses data shows that a reasonable accounting for the data is provided when (i) the energy exchange timescale is very long and (ii) the deposition of heat due to turbulence is divided, with 60% going to proton heating and 40% into electron heating. Heat conduction, determined here by an empirical fit, plays a major role in describing the electron data

    Black or red phosphorus yields the same blue phosphorus film

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    After the discovery of graphene, many other 2D materials have been predicted theoretically and successfully prepared. In this context, single-sheet black phosphorus - phosphorene - is emerging as a viable contender in the field of (2D) semiconductors. Phosphorene offers high carrier mobility and an anisotropic structure that gives rise to a modulation of physical and chemical properties. This opens the way to many novel and fascinating applications related to field-effect transistors and optoelectronic devices. In previous studies, a single layer of blue phosphorene intermixed with Au atoms was grown using purified black phosphorus as a precursor. Starting from the observation that phosphorus vapor mainly consists of P clusters, in this work we aimed at obtaining blue phosphorus using much less expensive purified red phosphorus as an evaporant. By means of microscopy, spectroscopy and diffraction experiments, we show that black or red phosphorus deposition on Au(111) substrates yields the same blue phosphorus film